
华盛顿州计划在2030年停止销售新的汽油动力汽车, 电动汽车将很快成为所有居民的主要选择, 即使是那些住在多单元建筑里的人.

在公寓配备充电器, condos and other multifamily properties means all Washington drivers can be confident in their ability to go electric. 他们将享受在家充电的轻松和便利, 不会在公共充电站支付更高的价格, 并将为更健康的地球尽自己的一份力量.


能够在家里充电对所有电动汽车司机来说都很重要, 不管他们住在什么样的房子里.

  • 方便: 在舒适的家中充电
  • 负担能力: 不用担心支付更高的公共收费
  • 可持续性: 使用更清洁的燃料来保护环境

住在公寓、共管公寓或其他多户十大彩票平台中? 转发这个程序 物业管理.


Prepare for the future of transportation by installing electric vehicle charging for the use of tenants at low or no cost. PSE的 & 多户使用电力 program covers up to 100 percent of the cost for qualifying multifamily properties to install and maintain Level 2 charging for their tenants. 提供收费的属性:

  • 提高居民满意度
  • 吸引新居民
  • 减少社区的碳排放
  • 达到物业的可持续发展目标


Apply now to have your multifamily property considered for electric vehicle charging incentives from PSE起来 & 多户使用电力.


  • 激励的选择

    Applicants can choose the ownership model that bests fits their organization’s unique needs.


    • PSE负责100%的安装和维护成本,最高可达10美元,每个2级充电端口
    • 循序渐进的, comprehensive planning by PSE’s electric vehicle experts: we’ll coordinate equipment purchasing, 网站设计, 施工和检验,为您的企业节省宝贵的时间和金钱
    • Reliable, high-quality service from PSE-vetted charging providers and installers
    • PSE涵盖了10年的所有操作和维护需求


    • PSE的资金可以抵消50%的设备和安装成本,最高可达2美元,每个2级充电端口
    • Site hosts design and manage purchasing, installation and maintenance of all charging equipment
  • 增强出行激励

    有资格获得Empower Mobility奖励, applicants must demonstrate that at least half of the property’s units house low-income and/or Tribal residents.



    • 100 percent of charger installation costs up to $10,000 per port under our pse自有交钥匙服务
    • Or, 100 percent of installation costs up to $4,000 per port under the customer-owned option
    • Line extension costs for customers who need a new transformer to accommodate charger installation


    用来支撑汽车的, 滑板车或自行车共享计划, PSE还将提供最高7美元的补贴,每辆轻型电动汽车可达500美元,或最高可达1美元,每辆非道路电动汽车,包括电动自行车, 滑板车和轮椅——最高7美元,500.


    Low-income and Tribal housing providers that apply for the program will be asked to describe how they serve or benefit “named communities."

    “Named communities” include both highly impacted communities and vulnerable populations.

    Highly impacted communities are comprised of census tracts designated by the Washington State Department of Health as a 9 or 10 on the 环境健康差异图 or communities located in census tracts that are fully or partially on “Indian country” as defined in 18 U.S.C. 证券交易委员会. 1151.

    弱势群体 are communities that experience a disproportionate cumulative risk from environmental burdens due to adverse socioeconomic factors, 包括残疾, 心血管病, 低出生体重率, 更高的住院率, 热岛效应, 欠款/断开连接, 获取数字/互联网资源, 获取食物, 获得保健的机会, 教育程度, 估计能源负担, 历史红线影响, 家庭护理, 住房负担, 语言隔离, 心理健康或疾病, 贫困, 比赛, 租客与业主, 有固定收入的长者, 交通费和失业.

    The list of vulnerability factors and resultant mapping may change as PSE’s 清洁能源实施计划 发展.


    如果你对Empower Mobility的激励措施和资格有疑问, 联系能源顾问 或致电1-800-562-1482.

  • 它是如何工作的

    为你的租户提供电动汽车充电可能会让人不知所措. PSE起来 & 多户用电可以让它变得更容易.


    1. 应用: describe your project and potential eligibility for enhanced 增强出行激励.
    2. 评估: 如果您的项目被选中, 我们会评估你的网站,然后寄给你设计方案, 成本估算及奖励(如适用).
    3. 接受: 你将接受PSE的激励方案并签署服务协议.
    4. 安装: 我们会处理许可、安装和检查过程.
    5. 基金: you’ll only receive an invoice if your project exceeds the per-charging port limit.
    6. 设置: 使用PSE的欢迎工具包获取入门技巧, 以及推广和管理您的新电动汽车充电器.
    7. 报告: share maintenance issues and results of resident surveys on charging preferences.


    1. 应用: describe your project and potential eligibility for enhanced 增强出行激励.
    2. 接受: 你将接受PSE的激励方案并签署服务协议.
    3. 购买: 你将购买电动汽车充电设备.
    4. 安装: 你将安装电动汽车充电设备.
    5. 基金: 提交完整的许可证后,您将获得奖励, charger information and receipts and/or invoices for equipment and installation. 文档必须清楚地显示安装日期, installation address and amount paid for the installation of the 电动汽车充电器.
    6. 设置: 使用PSE的欢迎工具包获取入门技巧, 以及为居民推广和管理新的电动汽车充电器.
    7. 报告: 分享居民收费偏好调查的结果.
  • 项目资格和要求

    才有资格获得PSE起来 & 多家庭用电计划,你必须:

    • 目前是多户十大彩票平台PSE电力账户持有人
    • 拥有或管理一个多户十大彩票平台,该十大彩票平台有:
      • 五个或更多相连的单位
      • 少于五个附属单位,但属于校园的一部分
    • 同意向居民推广电动汽车充电服务
    • 同意运营充电设备10年
    • Agree to survey tenants annually about their charging preferences and share the results with PSE
    • When requested, sign a service agreement with PSE (agreement for PSE-owned turnkey option 在这里; agreement for customer-owned option 在这里)
    • Be willing to convert undeeded, shared parking space(s) for the charger installation(s)
    • 客户拥有的选项 only: agree to install networked charging equipment on a common or house meter. Depending on the network, a separate meter dedicated to the charging equipment may be required.
      • Approved Empower Mobility recipients may install non-networked charging equipment with a separate meter dedicated to the charging equipment.
    • Agree not to charge tenants above the cost of electricity used for charging
  • 你需要申请什么

    以申请PSE起来 & 选择多家庭用电计划,你需要:

    • 批准任何董事会或批准机构的参与
    • 主要接触点
    • PSE帐户持有人名称和帐户号码
    • 该物业的单位总数和停车位
    • 有关该物业所需充电器位置的信息
    • The number of tenants currently residing at the property, as well as its maximum occupancy
    • 拥有或租赁插电式电动汽车的租户数量
    • 安装电动汽车充电对您或您的租户有什么好处
    • The percentage of units occupied by low-income tenants (if applying for enhanced 增强出行激励)
    • Description of how your organization serves and/or benefits low-income and/or Tribal communities (if applying for enhanced 增强出行激励)
  • 如何评估申请


    • 社会影响: How and to what magnitude will the project benefit and serve low-income tenants, 部落社区和/或其他命名社区?
    • 地理多样性: Does the project increase access to EV charging in areas that are underserved by EV charging infrastructure? Has PSE already provided funding for EV charging infrastructure in this area?
    • 用例: Will the project increase EV charging availability at a wider range of multifamily property types in PSE’s service area?
    • 利用率: What is the likelihood of EV charging being used at the proposed property based on EV ownership and existing EV charging options at the property and in the surrounding area? (请注意: Projects with lower initial utilization will not be deprioritized for 增强出行激励.)

    PSE conducts an initial review of all applications for missing documentation within five days of submission. We evaluate all applications at the end of every month to select projects to move forward to the next stage. Projects that are not selected will be waitlisted and evaluated again the following month.

    现在和过去参加该计划的人可以再次申请. 然而, 如果PSE收到大量的应用程序, PSE可以考虑当前和过去的参与作为评估因素.

  • 额外的资源

对PSE的Up有问题吗 & Go Electric电动汽车充电计划? 我们是来帮忙的. 请致电1-800-562-1482,周一至周五上午8点.m. 到5点.m. 或在下方十大彩票平台


合格的PSE客户可以更快地节省费用, more convenient charging via PSE rebate on a new Level 2 charger for their home. 此外,加入Flex EV,全年继续节省充电费用.